All the best things!

An immoral, evil picture book about greed and the happiness it brings. Follow a boy, who would even kill to get all the best things!

Watch the book.

Cover of All The Best Things!

This video shows the first edition in English.

About "All the best things!"

A picture book about greed and the happiness it brings. Follow a boy on his adventures and meet all his victims, as he steals all their things. 

This book explores manipulative qualities of illustration and storytelling and portrays greed as a desirable personality trait.

This picture book tells the story of a boy who steals from people around him, causing them harm and gaining happiness for himself. This greedy and immoral behaviour only benefits the protagonist and lets him receive “all the best things”. Following the boy on four of his adventures, he shows readers the beauty of egoism and greed. 

The book was first exhibited at the austria-wide research event “Lange Nacht der Forschung 2018” at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg. Today a revised German Version is available for purchase.

Illustrations from the book.

Cover "All die besten Dinge!"


Language: English
Pages: 32
Format: 26cm x 20cm

Self-Published in Salzburg, Austria.
Printed by

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