
How to turn Shapes into Characters

Create a character from simple geometrical shapes in 8 easy steps. This video will give you a brand new perspective on character design.

A video essay on character design

Learn how to turn simple shapes into characters in 8 easy steps. This video will give you a brand new perspective on character design and show you how to make a circle, rectangle or square feel like a living character.

The video is about character design in the broader sense, but focusing on aspects which might not be as obvious as the visual appearance. That’s why I’m concentrating on simple geometrical shapes, no shiny graphics, no bodies and no faces! This video was inspired by the video game “Thomas Was Alone” and is based on research of my bachelor’s theses.

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Compact Version

This compact version acutally existed before the longer video essay. It was part of my bachelor’s thesis and offers a short overview of character design with simple shapes.

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